Vatican fires leader of international aid organization Caritas, to strengthen ‘Catholic identity’
Notre dénonciation des prises de position du CCFD concernant l'avortement (chapitre 4,Le CCFD contre l'évangile de la Vie in Le Terrorisme pastoral) et de l'idéologie de son président actuel, Guy Aurenche, n'a que peu attiré l'attention de l'épiscopat français et des 25 mouvements qui coopèrent à son action.
Heureusement nous avons été entendus à Rome et le nouveau Préfet du Conseil Pontifical Cor Unum, le cardinal Robert Sarah, vient de remettre les pendules à l'heure au moment où le CCFD fête son cinquantenaire ! DEO GRATIAS !
La traduction française de ce texte sera mise en ligne dans les jours qui viennent.
Change appears to be connected to the general reform project of
international aid programs outlined in Pope Benedict's encyclical insisting
that human development and foreign aid cannot be separated from the demands
of truth.
BY Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
February 22, 2011 ( - The Vatican has refused to allow
organization's "Catholic identity," among other concerns.

Knight was refused the "nihil obstat" ("nothing obstructs")
declaration required for candidates to be eligible for the office, despite
protests from organization leaders, including Caritas President Cardinal
Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga.
"The Holy See wants a change in the way it works with Caritas and says
this requires a change in the person of the secretary-general," Caritas
said in an official statement on the firing.
Caritas Internationalis is an umbrella organization that unites numerous
Catholic aid organizations worldwide, including the Canadian Catholic
Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP), supported by the bishops of

Cardinal Robert Sarah, head of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, told Zenit
that "after four years, the mandate of the present Secretary General,
Lesley Anne Knight, will end. In this time, Knight has done much to make the
confederation more agile and professional."
"Now Caritas Internationalis is dealing with new internal challenges,
including the revision of its statutes. These challenges also involve
internal collaboration, the Catholic identity of the Confederation,
cooperation with the Holy See, greater participation of the various
continents, a proper understanding of the autonomy of each Caritas member of
the confederation," he added.
Changes in the Vatican's approach to international aid appear to be part
of the general reform project outlined in Pope Benedict's recent
encyclical letter Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth).
The encyclical insisted that human development and foreign aid cannot be
separated from the demands of truth: "Only in charity, illumined by the
light of reason and faith, is it possible to pursue development goals that
possess a more humane and humanizing value," Benedict writes, and observes
that international aid organizations are sometimes involved with abortion,
contraception, sterilization, and euthanasia.
"Some non-governmental Organizations work actively to spread abortion, at
times promoting the practice of sterilization in poor countries, in some
cases not even informing the women concerned," he writes. "Moreover,
there is reason to suspect that development aid is sometimes linked to
specific health-care policies which de facto involve the imposition of
strong birth control measures. Further grounds for concern are laws
permitting euthanasia as well as pressure from lobby groups, nationally and
internationally, in favor of its juridical recognition."

The CCODP, a Caritas member organization, has come under fire from pro-life
groups for supporting organizations that advocate the legalization of
abortion, distribute contraceptives, and support homosexualist policies.
Knight vigorously defended CCODP after such policies were exposed by
LifeSiteNews in early 2009 in a letter sent to donors and obtained by LSN.
In addition, anonymous Vatican officials told LifeSiteNews last November in
Rome that similar problems exist with Catholic international aid
organizations sponsored by other national bishops' conferences and that
this was a disturbing and unacceptable trend. LifeSiteNews was told that
these bishops' conferences were not conducting proper oversight over their
international development and aid organizations resulting in the funding of
groups whose objectives are in serious conflict with Catholic teaching.
Heureusement nous avons été entendus à Rome et le nouveau Préfet du Conseil Pontifical Cor Unum, le cardinal Robert Sarah, vient de remettre les pendules à l'heure au moment où le CCFD fête son cinquantenaire ! DEO GRATIAS !
La traduction française de ce texte sera mise en ligne dans les jours qui viennent.
Change appears to be connected to the general reform project of
international aid programs outlined in Pope Benedict's encyclical insisting
that human development and foreign aid cannot be separated from the demands
of truth.
BY Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
February 22, 2011 ( - The Vatican has refused to allow
Caritas General Secretary Lesley-Anne Knight to submit her name for
reelection to her position, citing the need to strengthen theorganization's "Catholic identity," among other concerns.

declaration required for candidates to be eligible for the office, despite
protests from organization leaders, including Caritas President Cardinal
Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga.
"The Holy See wants a change in the way it works with Caritas and says
this requires a change in the person of the secretary-general," Caritas
said in an official statement on the firing.
Caritas Internationalis is an umbrella organization that unites numerous
Catholic aid organizations worldwide, including the Canadian Catholic
Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP), supported by the bishops of

Cardinal Robert Sarah, head of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, told Zenit
that "after four years, the mandate of the present Secretary General,
Lesley Anne Knight, will end. In this time, Knight has done much to make the
confederation more agile and professional."
"Now Caritas Internationalis is dealing with new internal challenges,
including the revision of its statutes. These challenges also involve
internal collaboration, the Catholic identity of the Confederation,
cooperation with the Holy See, greater participation of the various
continents, a proper understanding of the autonomy of each Caritas member of
the confederation," he added.
Changes in the Vatican's approach to international aid appear to be part
of the general reform project outlined in Pope Benedict's recent
encyclical letter Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth).
The encyclical insisted that human development and foreign aid cannot be
separated from the demands of truth: "Only in charity, illumined by the
light of reason and faith, is it possible to pursue development goals that
possess a more humane and humanizing value," Benedict writes, and observes
that international aid organizations are sometimes involved with abortion,
contraception, sterilization, and euthanasia.
"Some non-governmental Organizations work actively to spread abortion, at
times promoting the practice of sterilization in poor countries, in some
cases not even informing the women concerned," he writes. "Moreover,
there is reason to suspect that development aid is sometimes linked to
specific health-care policies which de facto involve the imposition of
strong birth control measures. Further grounds for concern are laws
permitting euthanasia as well as pressure from lobby groups, nationally and
internationally, in favor of its juridical recognition."

The CCODP, a Caritas member organization, has come under fire from pro-life
groups for supporting organizations that advocate the legalization of
abortion, distribute contraceptives, and support homosexualist policies.
Knight vigorously defended CCODP after such policies were exposed by
LifeSiteNews in early 2009 in a letter sent to donors and obtained by LSN.
In addition, anonymous Vatican officials told LifeSiteNews last November in
Rome that similar problems exist with Catholic international aid
organizations sponsored by other national bishops' conferences and that
this was a disturbing and unacceptable trend. LifeSiteNews was told that
these bishops' conferences were not conducting proper oversight over their
international development and aid organizations resulting in the funding of
groups whose objectives are in serious conflict with Catholic teaching.
A découvrir aussi
- L’affaire de Développement et Paix au Canada. D&P.
- Mgr Marc Stenger professe-t-il la foi catholique
- Les satellites du pouvoir socialiste -1
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